
Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I am tired. Physically, mentall, emotionally.... Is there any other ways I am forgetting? That's something you don't realize when you have a child or children. This 24/7 thing is no joke. I remember clearly after Ladybug was born that even if she is sleeping, yes you sleep too, but never as good as you did before. So your exhaustion accrues. I don't think I will ever sleep well again. While I know I have so much to be thankful for, and believe me I am, there are all these little things that add up to total frustration.
I am tired of having to beg and bargain with Ladybug on eating meals. I know the doctors say "Don't make food a battleground," I get that but she would NEVER eat if she had the choice. She would live on apple juice. Believe me I have grown up with my own food issues and don't want to project any of that on Ladybug. I am not sure if Dash is any better.
I am tired of my dogs licking (Ladybug would say "lipping") and scratching. They are clean and flea free. I think two of them do it as a nervous habit. The sound drives me INSANE!
I am tired of having to squeeze myself, my children, and the 3,000 bags I have to carry out the door before the most neurotic dog makes a run for it. I know she is not happy being replaced as the baby but seriously!
I am tired of not having a car. Long story but it was to be replaced quickly. Why did I forget Sir Daddy can do nothing quickly. No that is not true just our definitions of quickly are very different.
I am tired of Dash fighting getting in the car seat or high chair. His new found freedom of walking has him resisting any restraint.
I am tired of our house. We were not smart home buyers. Ugh!
I know these are all trivial things, but everyday day-in and day-out has worn me down. There are many other variables but I just wish some of these seemingly "little" things could be just a little easier so I can gather my strength. Looking over this makes me want to say "Quit your complaining! Buck up!" But I am about at the end of my rope. I think it boils down to I need a little "me" time. Our little family needs a vacation. Although those are never restful but a little family fun time would do us all some good.

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